
“The reproduction of Chinese export samples for research”, IIC 2014 Hong Kong Congress, An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage,  IIC, London, 2014

“The Autofluoresence of Asian lacquer”, East Asian Lacquer: Material Culture, Science and Conservation , Shayne Rivers, Rupert Faulkner, Boris Pretzel(eds), Archetype Books, London, May 2011

“Examination and analysis of the Chinese polychrome sculptures in the collection of the Royal Ontario Museum, co-authors, Elizabeth Moffatt, Marie-Claude Corbeil and Nicolas Duxin, SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON THE SCULPTURAL ARTS OF ASIA, Washington, Archetype in association with the Freer Gallery,  2007

The Conservation of Furniture, ed. Shayne Rivers , Nick Umney, Marianne Webb( Contributing author). Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2003

“The Treatment of a Plaster Over-mantel”, Abstract, co-author with Miriam Harris, Canadian Association for Conservation Annual Conference Abstracts, Victoria, May 2003

“Missing Pieces: A Conservator’s Dilemma”, Conservation Notes. Rotunda, Fall 2002

“Seeing Beyond the Ordinary with Invisible Light”, Conservation Notes, Rotunda, Spring 2002

“The Case of the Salty Coffin”, Conservation Notes, co-author with Douglas Converse, Rotunda, Fall 2000

“Preliminary Investigations into Thermochromatic changes in Asian lacquer”, Post-prints for East Asian and European Lacquer Techniques, Munich, March 11-13th, 1999,  Karl M. Lipp Verlag,  2001

Lacquer: Technology and Conservation, ISBN 0 7506 4412 5, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2000

“Cracks Cups and Cures: the Consolidation of Asian Lacquer”, Post-prints – British Antique Furniture Restorers Association (BAFRA) Symposium on Lacquer,  London U.K., October 27, 1998

“Four Japanned Cabinets, a Variety of Techniques”, Painted Wood: History and Conservation Post-prints. – Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, July 1998“


Methods and Materials for Filling Losses on Lacquer Objects”, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Spring 1998, American Institute for Conservation (AIC), Washington DC, 1998


“Adapting the nebulizer for consolidating powdery matte paint surfaces”, Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC) Annual Conference Abstracts, Whitehorse, May 1998

“Adapting the nebulizer for consolidating powdery matte paint surfaces”, Canadian Association for Conservation (CAC) Annual Conference Abstracts, Whitehorse, May 1998

“An Exhibit of Japanned Sample Boards made using 17th through 19th Century Recipes”, Posters Session Abstracts, p 995, Pre-prints of the 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh, Scotland 1-6 September 1996, ICOM Committee for Conservation, James and James (Science Publishers)Ltd., 1996, United Kingdom

Co-ordinators Comments: Furniture and Lacquer Group, Pre-prints of the 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh, 1-6 September 1996, ICOM Committee for Conservation, p. 902, James and James (Science Publishers)Ltd., 1996, United Kingdom

“The Conservation treatment of lacquer in the Royal Ontario Museum” International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property- 1993 -Conservation of Urushi Objects, Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, 1995

“Retrieving a Japanned Cabinet’s Decoration”, Rotunda, the magazine of the Royal Ontario Museum, Volume 28, Number 1, Summer 1995

“Restoring the Canadiana Gallery’s Madonna and Child”, Rotunda, the magazine of the Royal Ontario Museum, Volume 27, Number 2 Fall 1994

“An examination of fill materials for use with lacquer objects”, Lacquerwork and Japanning, Postprints of the Conference held by UKIC at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, May 1994, The United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, London 1994

“Conservation Treatments in the Royal Ontario Museum”, The 17th International Symposium on the Conservation and restoration of Cultural Property, Preprints, Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Property, Tokyo, Japan, 1993

“The Conservation of Four Pieces of Oriental Lacquer Furniture”,

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“Removal of an Insoluble Varnish from an 18th Century Clock Case”, Wooden Artifacts Group, American Institute for Conservation, 1989

“Has your Lacquer Lost its Lustre?”, Illuminations, Rotunda, Volume 20 Number 3, Winter 1987

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“Light Degradation of Oriental Lacquer”, IIC-CG 13th Annual Conference Abstracts, 1987

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